Our Clients Speak...

"Throughout my career as an educational consultant, I have had the good fortune to recommend Nola’s services to countless students. I frequently work with students who have difficulty presenting themselves with confidence, clarity or purpose. They dread public speaking and interviews. I send them to Nola and she transforms them! She has a special gift. Nola builds their confidence, teaches effective techniques and meaningful career counseling, always up-beat, reassuring, and professional...AND she makes it fun."

At Nola Speaks, we are the behind-the-scenes experts on building confident communicators. We work within companies, with leaders and students transforming the way people speak, present, communicate and connect.

We are in the business of speaking. Our clients become more self-confident with greater levels of skill and self-esteem as a result of our customized training.

If you or someone you know wants to improve their speaking, presenting or interviewing skills, reach out to us. The results of this training are long lasting.