The Easy Trick to Stepping Up Your Public Speaking Game

Why is it that we’re quick to notice what we’re NOT good at when speaking in front of others and slower to realize what we ARE good at? Why do we focus on the 95% of what we DON’T like and the 5% of what we DO like?

Why do we not focus on our strengths? Seriously, why? Does it help us feel better about our speaking anxiety? Does it show us an easier path forward? Does it make us feel more confident and excited to do it all over again?
Answer: NO

We’ve got to make a change.

Here’s the solution:
1. Change the story you tell yourself and start noticing what you ARE good at when you present.

2. Make a list of those speaking skills and qualities that you DO like in yourself. Sit quietly and put some time into this. Maybe come back and work on this list over a few days. This is now your 95% list.

3. Those speaking skills that you DON’T like? Same thing. Sit quietly and put some time into this list. This is your new 5% list and it will get to an even lower percentage with work.

The new focus is that 95% list. Type it up in large font and put it where you can see it throughout the day. Try this exercise and let me know how it goes.

I have long lists of my clients’ strengths. This is part of my foundational work and where the good results are built from at Nola Speaks.

Change the way you see things and the things you see will change - Wayne Dyer