Gen Z Speaks Out on the Simple Act that Brings Them ‘To Tears’

Recently, the New York Post published a piece titled “ Gen Z speaks out on the simple act that brings them ‘to tears’: ‘I would freak out’.”

That simple act is making a phone call.

The anxiety of making a phone call does not just apply to Gen Z. Throughout my career, I’ve worked with the CEO who’s heart races when he has to partake in a large conference call, or the founder who struggles to get through a pitch for a product they know inside and out. I’ve coached the grad school student who shines on the page, but when put in a networking room to make small conversation he freezes and feels awkward at every turn.

Talking and relating to people in everyday life comes natural to some of us and not so much to others. When the majority of your formative years are spent swapping talking for texting and connecting to strangers on TikTok verses friends in real life, is it surprising that making a phone call breads anxiety? I think not.

There are tools and tricks that solve all of your public speaking anxieties. From the phone call nervousness, to the pit in your stomach before a presentation, and the fear that comes with a room full of networking.